Managing car loan repayments can be a challenge, but there are several things you can do to make them more practical. Especially if your household budget is tight.
Understanding your options can help you make better decisions about your car loan and potentially save money in the long run. Here are six ways to reduce your car loan repayments:
Extend your loan term
While most car loans typically run for three to five years, extending beyond this can lower your monthly repayments. This approach spreads the principal amount over a longer term, resulting in smaller regular payments. However, be aware that a longer term means paying more interest over the life of the loan. Always calculate the total cost before extending your term.
Switch to more frequent repayments
Instead of making one large monthly payment, consider switching to fortnightly or weekly repayments. This approach not only makes payments more manageable but can also reduce the overall loan cost. Smaller, more frequent payments can help you stay on top of your loan while potentially saving on interest charges.
Make a substantial down payment
One of the most effective ways to reduce repayments is to borrow less initially. Although many car loans don’t require a deposit, making one can significantly lower your repayments. Even a small deposit of 5-10% can make a difference – but aim for 20% if possible. Remember, any reduction in the principal amount means lower repayments and less interest over time.
Consider a balloon payment option
A balloon payment allows you to defer a portion of the loan until the end of the term. This reduces your regular repayments as you’re only paying off part of the principal during the loan term. However, be prepared for the larger final payment and understand that this option may result in paying more interest overall.
Explore refinancing options
If you already have a car loan, refinancing with a lower interest rate can significantly reduce your repayments. Shop around for lenders offering better rates and more favourable terms. The savings from a lower interest rate can make a substantial difference to your monthly budget.
Make extra repayments when possible
Making additional payments when possible can reduce your principal and help you save on interest. Consider rounding up your payments to the nearest $50 or $100, or making extra payments when you receive bonuses or tax returns. Before doing this, ensure your loan allows extra payments without penalties.
If you would like to obtain a loan for a new car or would like a review of your existing car loan, contact us.
*This information is general in nature and does not take into consideration your individual circumstances. Please contact us for further information.